Should fitted wardrobes be the same colour as walls?

Should fitted wardrobes be the same colour as the walls, they certainly don’t have to be. Depending what look and feel you are trying to achieve with your bedroom they can be painted in any colour you would like .

Still, lets check out some reasons why you might choose to go for a monochromatic colour scheme, and benefits of both options.

Painting Fitted Wardrobes The Same Colour as Walls? Exploring the Design Debate

Colour coordination in interior design is a topic of fervent discussion and varied opinions.

When it comes to fitted wardrobes, a recurring question is whether they should match the colour of the room’s walls.

Below, we delve into the pros and cons of both approaches, aiming to assist homeowners in making a well-informed choice. For any further information on design options for fitted wardrobes in Bournemouth get in contact today, we would love to help you.

Fitted Wardrobes Matching Wall Colour


  1. Seamless Integration: Wardrobes that mirror the wall colour can blend seamlessly into the room, creating a smooth, uninterrupted visual flow. This can be especially beneficial for smaller rooms, making them feel more spacious.

  2. Increased Perception of Space: Similar shades across the room can make the boundaries less distinct, potentially making the room appear larger than it actually is.

  3. Versatility: A monochromatic palette serves as a neutral backdrop, allowing homeowners to frequently change accent décor, such as rugs, curtains, and decorative items, without clashing.

  4. Timeless Appeal: Neutral or matching tones often have a timeless quality, ensuring the room doesn’t feel outdated quickly.


  1. Lack of Contrast: A room without contrasting elements can sometimes feel flat or lacking in depth.

  2. Overwhelm: If the chosen wall colour is bold or dark, having the same shade on a large wardrobe might overwhelm the room.

Fitted Wardrobes in Contrasting Colours


  1. Statement Piece: A wardrobe in a contrasting shade can serve as a focal point, drawing attention and adding character to the room.

  2. Depth and Dimension: Different colours can introduce layers to the design, giving the room a more dynamic and multidimensional feel.

  3. Highlight Craftsmanship: If your fitted wardrobe boasts intricate designs, mouldings, or finishes, a contrasting colour might highlight these features better than a matching shade.

  4. Mood Setting: Contrasting colours can set the tone and mood of a room, whether it’s a serene blue for relaxation or a vibrant hue for energy.


  1. Potential Overpower: A too stark contrast might make the wardrobe dominate the room, especially if it’s a large piece.

  2. Limitations on Redecoration: A distinct colour might limit your choices when redecorating the room, as you’ll have to consider the wardrobe’s shade.

  3. Trend Sensitivity: Bold and contrasting choices, while stylish now, might not stand the test of time, potentially making the room feel dated in the future.

The decision to match or contrast your fitted wardrobe’s colour with your walls depends largely on personal aesthetic preferences and the overall design goal for the room.

While matching colours promote continuity and spaciousness, contrasting tones introduce depth and character.

Whichever path you choose, ensuring harmony and balance in the room will always be the key to a successful design. Consulting with an interior designer or fitted furniture supplier can also offer tailored insights and recommendations for your specific space.

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